Clif Bar
Clif Bar Energy bar

Suitable for
Suitable for
  • Men
  • Women
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Weight (piece)
68.00 g
Clif Bar


<P> The ingredients for the Clif Bar energy bar are not lab-induced, but nature-induced. The Clif Bar consists of organic oats, soybeans, is high in protein; no trans fats and includes 23 vitamins and minerals. With an average of 60 % carbohydrates, 13 % protein and only 7 % fat and the perfect mix of whole grains, protein and fiber. The Clif bar energy bar is 100% vegetarian and contain abundant minerals , especially iron, magnesium and calcium, vitamin E and vitamins of the B complex group . The combination of short, medium and long chain carbohydrates, high quality protein and vitamins make the energy bar the ideal long-term energy source for all who want to do more. </ P> <P class=details> Content . <STRONG> 65 g | Nutrition facts/100 g : <STRONG> 6 g protein , 15 g fat , 63 g carbohydrates , 411 kcal < / STRONG > </ P>
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