Ironing is not exactly the most pleasant housework – fortunately, only a few outdoor clothes have to be ironed. In most cases, it’s enough to shake out the damp, freshly washed garments, pull them into shape, and leave them to dry. Then smooth the garments as usual and fold them.

Ironing – some advice
- It is ideal to iron your laundry when it is still slightly damp. Then the structure has not yet hardened and creases can still be easily removed.
- If you use a tumble dryer, the option “iron-dry” will help. In this case, the laundry is not dried completely, but only to a certain extent.
- If the laundry is completely dry, almost all materials can be ironed much better with the help of distilled water. Can be sprayed or steamed and ironed.
- Fabrics have different heat sensitivities. Therefore, sort clothes according to the recommended ironing temperature. As a rule of thumb: put heavier garments at the bottom of the pile and lighter ones at the top.
- Start with garments that do not allow too much heat, i.e. garments that can be ironed at ‘one point‘. This way you can avoid waiting for the iron to cool down later. It also reduces the risk of possible burn marks.
- Finally, iron garments that can withstand the highest temperature.
- Printed shirts: always iron from the left. For particularly sensitive materials, use additional baking paper or dry cloth as an intermediate layer.
Ironed items can either be hung on the hanger immediately or left to cool and folded.

The most important ironing symbols
- Crossed-out iron: Ironing is forbidden.
- Iron with a dot: Iron carefully and only at low heat. It is best to iron with a cloth or upside down. For steam irons, iron without steam if possible. Do not warp the laundry.
- Two dots stand for a medium temperature setting. Iron under a slightly damp cloth; steam ironing is possible; avoid strong pressure, do not distort the garments.
- Three dots stand for non-sensitive fabrics that you can iron at maximum heat. Textiles are best ironed in a damp state, possibly damp, shiny, or pressure-sensitive areas (e.g. appliqués) with an ironing cloth or ironed inside out. Steam ironing is possible.

Which materials can withstand what heat?
- Synthetic fibres such as acrylic, polyester, and nylon: These fibres are sensitive to heat, they can melt at too high temperatures. Set the temperature as low as possible, iron only from the left and without water and steam, then there will be no heat spots. For very delicate fabrics, dry cloth will help as additional protection.
- Mixed fabrics: If you are unsure, if in doubt, use less heat. If you notice that the creases do not disappear, turn it up higher. Always follow the instructions on the care label first.
- Wool and viscose: Lower temperatures, plus steam and moisture. With wool, avoid contact between the iron and the garment. Use a dry cloth, baking paper, or special ironing paper as a buffer to minimise shine effects.
- Cotton and linen: Require a lot of heat, steam makes ironing easier.
Silk: Iron when slightly damp, without water or steam.